Industrial Tourism and Company Visits

The great English poet John Keats wrote: “Nothing becomes real until it is known by experience”.
This is true both for the art of preparing homemade pasta and for a multi-million dollar company: there is no level of education or theoretical knowledge that can replace the need to see, hear, touch, smell, taste and doing experience.
Whether your group is formed by excited travelers at their first experience, or by experienced explorers of the world, we will plan visits and tours in companies able to leave all members satisfied and ready to put to use, once they return home, everything what they saw and learned.
There is no need to say that we work with the utmost effort to make the experience of each group exciting, fun and memorable, and we are sure that you will only receive positive opinions from each visitor.
Some visits and activities require more time for planning and booking, and we particularly appreciate tour operators and companies that start planning with us in advance, rather than at the last moment!

Turismo industriale
Turismo industriale
Turismo industriale

Professional Study Visits

Study visits are a unique opportunity to exchange interests and knowledge between experts in a sector. They give the opportunity to see for themselves how a specific aspect or a problem is treated in different contexts, and how these solutions could be adapted in one’s own company. Thanks to years of work and collaboration with associations, universities and companies, we have gained unparalleled experience and expertise in this particular training method.

Our study programs include

  1. Planning and organization of the tour, based on customer requests
  2. Industrial visits to significant companies, both large and small, in the north-west of Italy
  3. Professional seminars and meetings with research centers and public institutions
  4. Qualified guides and interpreters
  5. Technical assistance and logistics 24h